Licensing & Permitting

Authorised Treatment Facility Licencing

Authorised Treatment Facility Licencing (ATF)

An Authorised Treatment Facility (ATF) is a facility that can accept and treat End-of-life vehicles. In Northern Ireland, ATFs are approved and regulated by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA), whereas in the Republic of Ireland they can be approved and regulated by the EPA or Local Authority.

End of life vehicles are classed as hazardous waste until they have been fully treated and de-polluted. As a result, these facilities must operate under strict environmental regulations. The relevant authorities monitor these licenced facilities on an ongoing basis to ensure that they are treating ELV’s in the correct manner. They also investigate and take enforcement action against operators of illegal sites as these illegal sites threaten the environment and undermine legitimate operators.

AVRIO has carried out numerous applications for ATF facilities in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. We liaise on your behalf with the relevant authorities to ensure the full application process is carried out in an efficient and cost-effective manner.