Invasive Species survey at Alliance Crescent, Belfast

Invasive Species Survey of Alliance Crescent

Project: Invasive Species Survey of Alliance Crescent

Services Provided: AVRIO was engaged by the client to provide services which consisted of carrying out Invasive Plant Species surveys and reporting on the distribution of the invasive plant species Virginia Creeper and any additional invasive plants located within the site boundary.  The client had engaged AVRIO to map the extent of the growth of the Virginia Creeper on site, map locations of additional invasive species and to provide management options for these species. The services AVRIO provided included the following:

  • Pre-data searches of all available databases and communication with relevant bodies for existing information on the ecology of the wider environs of Alliance Crescent;
  • Conducting field surveys of the site boundary. The survey identified the non-scheduled invasive plant species of Montbretia, Rock Cotoneaster and Virginia Creeper on-site;
  • Coalition of all data within the GIS database and the generation of maps to illustrate the extent of the non-scheduled invasive species within the surveyed area;
  • The preparation of a final report including the following:
    • Overview of relevant legislation;
    • Survey methodology & findings;
    • Geospatial maps of the Surveyed area showing the extent and location of Invasive species noted on site.
    • Recommendations for management of non-scheduled invasive plant species identified; 



If your business or clients require the above services or any of our additional services, get in touch today, and a member of our team will be happy to help.



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