Local Network Reinforcement Project 

Local Network Reinforcement Project

Local Network Reinforcement Project – Co. Kildare

Project: Local Network Reinforcement Project – Co. Kildare

Client: Coffey Group/Irish Water

Services Provided: AVRIO was engaged to undertake preconstruction surveys of the development area to determine any ecological and environmental constraints that the project may encounter. On completion of initial surveys, it was determined that a mature tree within the development area that required felling contained a bat roost as well as the identification of the invasive species Spanish Bluebell within numerous locations of the site. AVRIO was required to manage these identified aspects and ensure the project progressed within the required timeframe. AVRIO was appointed by the client and completed the following services:

  • Undertook an Ecological Appraisal of the site to understand what environmental considerations would be needed e.g., protected species, invasive species or pollution prevention etc. During this baseline survey an ash tree with moderate bat roost potential was identified as requiring further survey work, and Spanish Bluebell, which is a listed invasive species was discovered on the site;
  • AVRIO undertook bat activity surveys in accordance with BCT and NPWS guidance and identified a single soprano pipistrelle bat utilising the roost. AVRIO prepared a bat activity survey report and derogation licence application, and applied to NPWS for a bat derogation licence to exclude bats and destruct the roost;
  • AVRIO provided Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) for the derogation of the ash tree, including exclusion of the single soprano pipistrelle bat from the roost and oversight of felling operations by the licenced bat ecologist;
  • Development of a site-specific Invasive Species Management Plan (ISMP) detailing the appropriate management methods to be implemented for Spanish Bluebell to allow the development works to progress in a timely manner. The management method implemented included on-site burial; and
  • The provision of Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) for the oversight of the implementation of the project ISMP.

If your business or clients require the above services or any of our additional services, get in touch today, and a member of our team will be happy to help.

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