Translink Railway Repairs
Translink Railway Repairs - Northeast coast
Project: Translink Railway Repairs, Northeast coast
Client: Adman Civil Projects Ltd/Translink
Services Provided: AVRIO was appointed to undertake environmental and ecological works as part of a railway improvement project. The client had tasked AVRIO with undertaking a Stage 1 Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) and whilst performing a site visit, AVRIO identified a number of outlier Badger setts within 25m of the proposed development. Services provided by AVRIO included the following:
- Undertook a Stage 1 Habitat Regulation Assessment (HRA) for the site;
- Undertook an extended badger survey in line with NIEA guidance, identifying the location of the main sett and any subsidiaries within the survey area;
- Applied to the NIEA for a derogation licence for the temporary closure of two outlier badger setts within 25m of the development;
- The provision of Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) for the implementation of the terms of the badger derogation licence. AVRIO used one-way gates to temporarily close the setts. Monitoring of the closed setts using both sand and camera traps for an extended period to ensure badgers were successfully excluded from the setts; and
- Reinstatement of temporarily closed setts.
If your business or clients require the above services or any of our additional services, get in touch today, and a member of our team will be happy to help.