Weir Installation – Co. Donegal
Project: Hydrometric Weir Installation – Co. Donegal
Client: Cleantech Group/Irish Water/Donegal County Council
Services Provided: AVRIO was appointed by the client to undertake invasive species surveys and otter surveys as part of a proposed development that included the construction of a hydrometric gauging station and weir within a river that is hydrologically connected to European designated sites. Services provided by AVRIO included the following:
• Completion of an otter survey in accordance with NPWS and CIEEM guidance to identify field signs of otter and their resting places;
• Following identification of an otter holt within proximity of the working area, an application was made to the NPWS for an otter derogation licence to temporarily close an otter holt;
• The provision of Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) for the implementation of the terms of the otter derogation licence. AVRIO used one-way gates to temporarily close the holt and monitored the holt over a period of 21 days prior to full closure using both sand and camera traps;
• Reinstatement of temporarily closed holts;
• The implementation of a scientific programme for monitoring any translocated populations of otter associated within the development locality;
• Development of a site-specific Invasive Species Management Plan for the management of Himalayan Balsam in the working area of the development;
• The provision of Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) for the oversight of the implementation of the project ISMP;
If your business or clients require the above services or any of our additional services, get in touch today, and a member of our team will be happy to help.